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Blonde Porter


We wanted to deconstruct the flavor profile of a porter and recreate those flavors without using the traditional roasted malts to create a light blonde colored, full flavored beer. We used oats and wheat to build a full creamy body aged with coffee and chocolate for a rich roasted aroma and robust finish.

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Perrin Brewing Co

We are committed to crafting high quality and consistent beer with a leading-edge taste.

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What is your role at Perrin Brewing Company?
I brew beer for the masses to enjoy.

What is your favorite beer on tap?
I would have to go with You Bretta Run, simply because of its low ABV and crisp, clean easy drinkability on a hot or cold day.

What is your all-time favorite Perrin beer?
Well, that’s a no-brainer, Of Rice & Men.  I guess No Rules is alright as well.

What are your Hobbies?
When I’m not at work you will find me at home playing with my kids, trying to build something from scratch or on the golf course. I also enjoy hunting and fishing but it’s sometimes hard to find the time.

Who would you do a collaboration brew with?
I’ve always thought it would be cool to do a brew with Sam Calagione the Founder of Dogfish head brewing. He really gets creative with his beers and thinks outside the box and I like that. He is a great role model to have in the craft beer industry.

Best west Michigan place to drink?
I really like The Reservoir (or Sazaracs) on Plainfield. It has a great atmosphere and a great beer selection and never too crowded.

What got you into brewing?
I always wanted to brew but didn’t know quite how to get into it until a buddy brought his setup to my place. I was hooked after that first batch. Being able to create something out of raw grains that friends can enjoy and converse over is a great feeling.

What is your favorite sports team?
Well, obviously the Detroit Lions.  One of these years I won’t be let down…hopefully…

What is your go-to food item at Perrin Brewing?
I gotta go with the boneless wings with black ale bbq sauce and jalapeno ranch as my dipper.

If you could take three items with you to a deserted island, what would they be?
A picture of the family, a Firestarter and a machete lol

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